Nathan Sticky Waterfall story

The Sticky Waterfalls sounds awesome so did the Umbrella-Making Center. We only had one day left and we had to make a decision.  We decided to go to the Sticky Waterfalls because they had better reviews and it sounded really fun.  We asked the receptionist at our hotel to call us a red truck (a red truck is like a taxi but you sit in the back). It took one hour to get to the Sticky Waterfalls but it was worth it.

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There were three stories we went down to the first story. When we got to the bottom, it was 300 m of waterfall to climb to the top.


When we started to climb the waterfall, Jaxon and Quinn went far ahead but we forgot the shoes at the bottom. So we stopped on the second floor and had to go back down to get the shoes. Climbing was much harder carrying the shoes.


The reason they call them Sticky Waterfalls is because they are sticky. Our bare feet could grip in the stones but the closer we got to the top they started to get slippery. When we were getting closer to the top, some bugs started to swarm, so my dad said, "Go by quickly." Therefore, I went super fast so the bugs would not get me.  At the very top, it was super slippery. I almost slipped and fell down to the bottom. 


After that we saw some catfish, there was 35. The space for the fish was 5 by 10 meters and 3 feet deep. Some of the catfish were about two feet long. We fed them some Pringles and Quinn got some pictures with his GoPro.


This was an experience that I’ll never forget.  It was worth the hour ride there and the hour ride back.


© VanKosh Family 2015