Quinn’s Stories

Fred the WartHog story

"A tree", I said to myself,  "and tree equals shade."  Three cars were watching me.

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I was so proud of myself because, today, I already outran a hyena. So I headed for the tree. I was so exhausted when I ran with my pal, Tony, earlierbut I pushed myself forward in hope that under that tree was a tasty snack.  But that backfired. I almost became the tasty snack!!  I snapped into a full on sprint. Two female lions stole my shade! I was so sad but scared too. I stopped about 100 feet from them to make sure they were real or not and they were!! Once again, I went on a full on sprint not checking if they were behind me. I ran home to tell the others. I hope tomorrow will not be such a crazy day because a beautiful warthog like me. Needs his beauty sleep.



Lion story

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Jessica and I sat under the tree, exhausted from the heat. Jessica spotted a lunch earlier today. It was tasty. But now my tummy purred. I was hungry. Then strangely enough a warthog ran by us. I blinked a couple times but by then it was too far. Jess and I closed our eyes and had a nap. Let's hope another stupid warthog comes running by.


© VanKosh Family 2015